Do what you want. Be who you want. Love what you want. Say what you want. Be Free. Be You. Be Different.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

That Girl

Drake, Headlines

Drake has a new song entitled "Headlines" I like it & I can't wait until his new album 'Take Care' drops :)


& you can download it here..

Headlines - Drake

My Social Networks

So if you have twitter you should follow me although you probably got to my blog through my twitter --> @MiAmorMo

I actually hate facebook but i recently reactivated it soooo I guess you can add me but don't inbox, write "thanks for the add" on my wall, don't invite me to ANYTHING, and don't pop up chat me -->

You can also follow me on tumblr, i mostly just reblog on there but my music playlist is cool -->

And if you have Google+ you can add me. I don't know how to work it yet so barely use it --> Morgan Woods

I curled my hair guys!

I got bored so I decided to curl my hair. It came out like this...

It's really easy. I use these rolling rods that you can get at any beauty supply store. I actually did it last night and left the rollers in but if you just use a curling iron and the rolling rods then you don't have to leave it in overnight. Just curl your hair with the curling iron and then put the roller in. Leave it in for an hour or so, get dressed or do your make up to pass the time then you can take them out and get curls like this :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't Lie To Me.

So one thing I really really really hate, like more than I hate ketchup, is when people lie to me! Like I don't care what it is just be honest. If you think you're going to hurt my feelings, you're probably not because my feelings don't get hurt that easily. JUST BE HONEST. This video pretty much sums up how I feel about people who lie to me.


So I'm sooooo ready to go back to school. When I say that of course I don't mean I'm ready to go back to class and learning and all that boring stuff. I mean back to campus (TSU) and my friends and stuff. I have spent my whole summer in boring Port Arthur, Texas! I love my city but it's sooooooo boring. I can't wait until I get a real job and real money so I can just travel anywhere. I'm bored with Port Arthur, bored with Houston, bored with Texas altogether. At least during the school year I have homework and projects and friends and fun to distract me from this boredom but during the summer it's just like womp womp womp! Oh and by the way, I only have 3 semesters of college left so I'm trying to make these A's and get the hell up outta there. Wish me luck :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random, but I love The Script!

I loveeeeeee The Script & this is my absolute favorite song by them :)
Breakeven ♥

What am I supposed do when the best part of me was always you?
What am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?
I'm falling to pieces
Cause when a heart breaks no it don't breakeven..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Madison Peyton Toran

On July 7, 2011 my niece Madison Peyton Toran (Madi) was born. She's only like 5 days old but I loveeeee her so much ^_^! She's amazing & beautiful & already doing things that 5 day old babies should not be able to do. <3