Do what you want. Be who you want. Love what you want. Say what you want. Be Free. Be You. Be Different.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


So I'm sooooo ready to go back to school. When I say that of course I don't mean I'm ready to go back to class and learning and all that boring stuff. I mean back to campus (TSU) and my friends and stuff. I have spent my whole summer in boring Port Arthur, Texas! I love my city but it's sooooooo boring. I can't wait until I get a real job and real money so I can just travel anywhere. I'm bored with Port Arthur, bored with Houston, bored with Texas altogether. At least during the school year I have homework and projects and friends and fun to distract me from this boredom but during the summer it's just like womp womp womp! Oh and by the way, I only have 3 semesters of college left so I'm trying to make these A's and get the hell up outta there. Wish me luck :)

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