Do what you want. Be who you want. Love what you want. Say what you want. Be Free. Be You. Be Different.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Things i hate..

So, if you know me you should know these things i hate:

  1. Being touched. seriously. I will Chris Brown power punch the crap out of you for touching me.
  2. My Roommate. Dirty cunt.
  3. When girls talk on rap songs. I swear they get the girls with the ugliest voices to try to sound cute and seductive but really they just sound stupid. chill and talk regular.
  4. Ketchup. gross gross grossssssss.
  5. Disrespectful dudes. makes you 1000x's more unattractive. tf raised your rude ass?
  6. The fact that iTunes has an update everyday. Yo apple seriously. chill tf out.
  7. When people talk to me like I'm stupid. i'll kick your ass bitch, i'm smart.
  8. People who lie about EVERY DAMN THING. enough said.
  9. Probably you.
  10. Dumb ass females. which includes most of the female population *shrugs* especially those emotional crying bitches.

kbye (:

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